Monday, 3 October 2016

IPhone Interview Questions And Answers

What is iPhone? - IPhone is a combination of internet and multimedia enabled smart phone developed by Apple Inc.....
What are the features of iphone 3gs? - Video: Videos can be edited, shared. High quality VGA video can be shot in portrait or landscape......
What is iphone OS? - iPhone OS runs on iPhone and iPod touch devices........
What is iphone sdk? - iPhone SDK is available with tools and interfaces needed for developing, installing and running custom native applications.....
What is iphone architecture? - It is similar to MacOS X architecture.....
What is iphone reference library? - iPhone reference library is a set of reference documents for iPhone OS.....
What are sensors in iphone? - The proximity sensor immediately turns off the display when the iPhone is lifted to ear....
What are the location services? - Applications such as Maps, camera and compass are allowed to use the information from cellular..
Functionality of accelerometer of an iphone - iPhone responds to motion using a built-in accelerometer.....
Applications that can be used with iphone - Technology, Entertainment and Design(TED) : Allows to watch and listen to world’s most fascinating people have to say
